Blessed with abundant natural resources – including fresh water, timber, iron ore, wildlife, and fertile agricultural lands – and more that three hundred years of recorded settlement history, the Chillisquaque Creek watershed is rich in history and resources alike.
Encompassing an area of approximately 112 square miles in Montour, Northumberland, Columbia, and Lycoming Counties, Pennsylvania, the Chillisquaque Creek watershed includes more than 200 miles of waterways, including approximately 17.5 miles of the Chillisquaque Creek, from Washingtonville Borough to the creek’s confluence with the West Branch Susquehanna River, navigable by small watercraft during much of the year. The gradient of the stream is gentle (an elevation change of only 90 feet over a distance of roughly 20 miles) and suitable for paddlers of nearly all abilities, with an average width of 30 – 50 feet, but paddlers are cautioned that several log jams may be found along the stream’s length.
The Chillisquaque Creek watershed is designated as a warmwater fishery, though portions of the watershed are considered agriculturally-impaired. Numerous organizations – including the Montour County Conservation District, Chillisquaque-Limestone Watershed Association, Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Association, Washingtonville Revitalization Committee, and the Montour Area Recreation Commission – have been working to rehabilitate, protect, and promote the Chillisquaque Creek watershed.
This mapping is intended to familiarize residents and visitors alike with the many natural and cultural points of interest throughout the watershed and to better allow all to understand the interrelatedness of the watershed’s many features.
MARC thanks the following contributors for their significant support of this project:
Tyler Dombroski – Mayor, Washingtonville Borough
Kit Kelley – Washingtonville Revitalization Committee
Van Wagner – local environmental educator